It needs no explanation to state that oral health is vital for overall health. Most of the people are often unaware of the fact that periodontal or gum disease is completely painless phase and so it often goes undiagnosed. This may be because the patient’s teeth feel fine, so he avoids going to the dentist, and visits to the physician which definitely sustains their life and rarely focus on oral health.

There is significant relation between oral health and heart disease. Firstly having gum disease in a moderate or advanced stage puts you at greater risk for heart disease than someone with healthy gums. And second, your oral health can provide doctors with warning signs for a range of diseases and conditions, including those in the heart.

Oral health and heart disease are connected by the spread of bacteria – and other germs – from your mouth to other parts of your body through the blood stream. When these bacteria reach the heart, they can attach themselves to any damaged area and cause inflammation. This can result in illnesses such as endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart. Other cardiovascular conditions such as atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) and stroke have also been linked to inflammation caused by oral bacteria.

One must keep in mind that while visiting dentist for a checkup or to get some treatment done, complete medical history which includes the medicines being taken, history of any surgeries especially involving heart, pacemaker should be reported. Ultrasonic scaling is contraindicated in patients having pacemaker. The dentist will evaluate medical condition of patient and if any treatment necessary will be done with the consent from consultant cardiologist.