Replacement of missing teeth plays a major role in the functionality of jawbones and in the chewing mechanism. The need for replacement instills some sort of discomfort in some patients who think they will be noticed having artificial teeth in their mouth fixed as in case of the bridge which requires reduction of adjacent teeth for support.

Dental implants are one of the best options for replacement of missing teeth which serves both aesthetics and perfect functionality in terms of not having to disturb the adjacent teeth. An implant is a false tooth that’s attached to a titanium post which is inserted in the jaw bone. The implant is not putting any strain on other teeth. Another great advantage of implants is that they can be used to replace more than one missing natural tooth.

When teeth fall out or are extracted, the jaw bone shrinks over time and changes the face’s appearance and smile. An implant is embedded in the jaw bone and using the new tooth to bite and chew stimulates the bone, helping to prevent it from shrinking.

One of the only issues, if you opt for an implant, is that the waiting time is longer — it takes three to six months for the jaw bone to grow around the titanium post of the implant. Meanwhile, you can still have a removable partial denture done.

To have a perfect smile and healthy mouth it takes a lot of patience and willingness to take care of prostheses well which increases their longevity.