Technology has paved way for many developments in healthcare especially in the field of dentistry that was once of least concern among mankind. Dentistry, in particular, doesn’t deal with teeth alone; it deals with the facial structures and beauty of the human body.

The most common illnesses among people include diabetes, hypertension and so on which require continuous monitoring throughout life. In earlier days, people gave importance only to general health and them were least concerned about oral health unless they experience pain. Most of the problems in the oral cavity do not necessarily cause the pain of which periodontitis is one major complication of diabetic patients that needs to be diagnosed, treated and reviewed regularly. Awareness of such dental issues is very minimal and often leads to severe problems like loose teeth.

Periodontitis is a condition that often begins as red swollen gums that bleed easily while brushing. It is treated systematically through non-surgical measures and surgical methods if needed. Non-surgical mode of treatment starts with a procedure known as scaling that uses an ultrasonic device to remove deposits on teeth. Regular brushing of teeth alone doesn’t make the oral cavity healthy. Calculus being the hardest mineral deposition in the body, once formed on the surface of teeth cannot be removed by a bristle of brush, needs to be taken away by the scaler. The correct method of brushing is essential for proper maintenance. Surgical therapy also has advanced to a greater extent, laser treatment which is a completely pain-free, bloodless field and faster healing. The faulty brushing technique can cause abrasion of the upper third of tooth surfaces. One must keep in mind that brushing forcefully with a hard brush does not make your teeth clean instead causes damage. The method of brushing matters rather than the pressure involved in the technique. Soft brush and proper brushing technique definitely can make teeth clean. Getting a scaling done is very essential to avoid gum problems, malodor, and a good pleasant appearance.

Having an adequate number of teeth in the mouth is very essential for the structure of the face. Losing teeth causes shrinkage of cheeks and it gives an aged appearance. In this modern world where people give great importance to the beauty of face, it is very significant that missing teeth need to be replaced for both good aesthetic appearance and functional importance. Teeth in the mouth are also required for the strength of facial musculature. There are numerous options for the replacement of missing teeth which involves both removable and fixed options. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Removable was mainly opted by patients in earlier days concerning the cost factor and technology of those days. But now dentistry has traveled time and distance that has brought fixed teeth which is more adaptable and gives the appearance of natural teeth. Removable is also not like old plastic teeth used by the elderly, newer materials like valplast can be used which adapts well with the gums. So, when you don’t have teeth adjacent to the missing area for support, the fixed prostheses cant be taken into consideration and you will be left with the choice of removable prostheses. To get fixed prostheses done, teeth adjacent to the missing area need to be present to take support the same as 2 pillars supporting a bridge. Crown & bridge is fabricated by different materials like metal, ceramic, zirconia being toughest. There are not many differences in terms of function but differ in appearance. Metal teeth are least accepted by people because it gives the appearance of false teeth.

Implants in dentistry are the most recent technique of tooth replacement without disturbing adjacent teeth and resemble original teeth in perfect integrity and appearance. A Titanium screw will be implanted in the area of the missing tooth which gets adapted to bone through the process of osseointegration that takes a few months. Before this procedure, one must undergo some blood tests and scan for evaluation of bone height and width.

When it comes to the case of teenagers and adolescents, the period wherein major development of face occurs, it is important that crowded and malpositioned teeth need to be corrected through orthodontic treatment. Once all permanent teeth erupt into the oral cavity, parents must make sure to check the arrangement of teeth of children and check for any abnormality. Some habits like mouth breathing and open mouth while sleeping causes forward positioning of teeth and jaw abnormalities. Invasive procedures like orthognathic surgery can also be done to correct jaw abnormalities. The orthodontist decides the mode and time of the start of treatment after clinical and radiological evaluation. As age progresses, the duration of treatment will get prolonged and also the rate of tooth movement decreases.

Dental pain is very severe which often forces people to consult a dentist. Decayed teeth often constitute mild tingling pain to severe throbbing pain that might even disturb sleep. Preserving natural tooth is of great value which can only be done when it is treated at the right time either through a simple filling or endodontic treatment which the dentist decides through clinical evaluation and radiological examination.

Modern dentistry aims at treating dental problems in a pain-free environment and mainly shorter treatment duration which often helps people to get rid of that fear in visiting dentist and minimizes stress to a larger extent in undergoing a dental procedure.

Regular dental visits and oral prophylaxis is essential for the disease-free oral cavity. Lots of other dental issues like decayed teeth, crowded teeth need to be identified and corrected at the appropriate time.