Importance and maintenance of teeth begins from the time child is born. Baby teeth help them to chew food properly and for proper pronunciation. These teeth pave way for permanent teeth to erupt in respective positions.

Baby teeth being predecessors of permanent teeth should be kept clean so as to prevent decay and any kind of infection that might lead to possible damage. Baby teeth are 20 in number which begins to come out through gums at about 6 months till baby reaches 2 or 3 yrs of age. They will fall out at various times which will get replaced by permanent teeth. Being said that, parents should take extra care and effort in maintaining good oral health for toddlers and children.

It starts from wiping the gums with a wet cloth after each feed up to brushing their teeth till they finish childhood phase. This will definitely prevent the kids from dental problems.

Early childhood caries, as the name suggests refers to development of caries in children between ages 6 & 12. Once it might appear in front teeth rapidly spreading to others only due to prolonged or improper feeding/nursing habits. It might just start off as a dull white area along gum line to cavities around neck of teeth and then destroying the whole tooth as such leaving behind stumps. Such children have a higher risk to have problems in their permanent teeth as well.

Although it can be prevented by early examination, identification of individual risk factors, parental counseling and education, and initiation of preventive care procedures such as topical fluoride application, the progressive nature of dental disease can quickly diminish the general health and quality of life for the affected infants, toddlers, and children As treatment is delayed, the child’s condition worsens and becomes more difficult to treat, the cost of treatment increases.