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Smile With Pride & Confidence

Smile With Pride & Confidence

If someone has a strong smile, you feel they are a strong person and that is very attractive. We’re all trying to preserve our youth and one of the most effective ways is to invest in maintaining a great smile or enhancing one that is breaking down. Then there is the old medical saying that the mouth is the mirror of the body, and medical research increasingly shows that having healthy teeth and gums is important for maintaining general heal

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Protect Your Teeth from Decay

Protect Your Teeth from Decay

One of the most prevalent problems of teeth which is of utmost importance and one that requires quick remedy is dental caries. It is a condition which breakdowns the surfaces of teeth due to acids produced when sugar is ingested in the form of food or drinks reacting with bacteria that colonize in the oral cavity. It can be prevented or accurately managed if diagnosed at the right time.

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Orthodontics at Early Age

Orthodontics at Early Age

Teeth in an arch that are either misplaced or crowded not only destroy your facial appearance but also deteriorate the functionality to a major extent. Timing is everything – even when it comes to your child’s orthodontic treatment. “Early” treatment, also called “interceptive” treatment, means treatment that is performed while some baby teeth are still present.

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Modern Dentistry : Implant

Modern Dentistry : Implant

Replacement of missing teeth plays a major role in the functionality of jawbones and in the chewing mechanism. The need for replacement instills some sort of discomfort in some patients who think they will be noticed having artificial teeth in their mouth fixed as in case of the bridge which requires reduction of adjacent teeth for support.

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Tooth Replacement Options

Tooth Replacement Options

In this modern world, people are more concerned about aesthetics on par with the functionality of teeth. Especially youngsters with missing teeth in their mouth face a lot of problems in indulging with the community which withholds them from social life as well as personal life. On the other hand, a lot of people in the middle age groups experience difficulty in chewing their food properly which also causes gastric issues that again leads to severe health issues. So that goes with saying that it is very important to rehabilitate missing teeth.

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